Friday, April 12, 2019

WEEK 14!!

Week 14

Well this is my last week with this class.  I do not know, but we always though that the las couple weeks mostly the last one are the hardest in a class, but this haven’t been the case, at least not in the last 3 classes that I have taken, might be this is just online.
But yeah, this is the last in this class. It is been fun actually, I am not the type of guy that like school (I personally hate it), even if I get “A’s Or B+, I feel like school is not my thing, but I guess is not for many.  Because of this class I have realize that school can be fun, even when I do not like due dates, the things that I learn in it I can still learn them in others ways, but those would be the hard ones, so it is better to do it this way.
Here are some questions that I have to answer from the class,

1)      If you had one final lecture to share with a group of students on what you have learned from this course, what would you share?
I think most of what I have learn is more about in what this class has helped me to become better, straightened and change in my life that will cause a mayor impact in it?
The most important things are that I even thou I usually care for others this class helped me to truly do it, and it helped me to understand how I can do it better.
Other one is similar to the last one, and it is to do things for what really matters and not just to be economically better.
And the las one but also one of the most important it truly helped me strength my integrity and thought me to not sacrifice it for anything in this world.

2)  What would be your last bit of advice to someone wanting to begin the entrepreneur journey?

3)  What words of advice, direction, or caution would you give him or her if you had only one chance to give your own last lecture?

I do not remember where I wrote this, and because this class I have edit it to a better one, and this will answer the last two questions 2 and 3,
, “If you want to go into entrepreneur journey with only the idea of getting reach or building something for yourself without thinking in others, you are doing it for the wrong reason, it might not be impossible, but it is going to be really hard.  But if you are doing it with the Idea of doing it for others and not only for yourself, thinking that you are going to give back (helping the needed) all the time, it will be easier for you to reach it, because you will be doing it for the right reason, and also because of that God will support and help you with it”.

I am so happy that I took this class, even thou is not helping me for my certificate but it helped me for what I want to do after of it.

Emilio Ortega Vasquez.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Week 13.

                Week 13.

This week was really good, I feel like I could got even more from this week, but it was not bad of my instructor or how the class was build, but it was on me. Again I procrastinate a lot, and I could have done it better, but I am still working on it. Is hard to realize how easy was for me to keep my commitments in my mission, and having a schedule and following it, but know is so hard, and the mission made it seem it so easy but I guess I just need to be more consistent in what I really want.
One thing that was really special for me and I know that is going to help me a lot was from the study case from Randy Haykin.  He mentions something that completely got my attention, and that was (and I wrote it on my case report),
“The toughest hurdle that I have faced as a leader was one particular case with a start-up where things just did not look like they were going in the right direction. We ended up selling out earlier than we really would have liked. Some of the funding that we had expected to come in was pulled, so we were left without a way of keeping the company going. It felt like a failure. It was heartbreaking to have to tell a team of fifteen people who had just put their hearts and souls into this project for the last twelve months of their lives, which we all thought was going to have a big payoff, that: “Now it is time to close this project down. It did not work, and it is being sold off. You no longer have a job.” But I'd imagine it's an ongoing part of the entrepreneurial process. Most venture capitalists will tell you that of ten deals that they’ll do, on average, two will be total failures, two will be not so great, and somewhere between the remainder of one and six are going to be successful or moderately successful. So, I know already going into the entrepreneurial situation that something is going to fail. It still hurts, though, when you're going through it, and real people are involved. You just feel like you misled people, or you could have done a better job as a leader”.
I really like this, and it is one of the most valuable things for me from this study case, because I want to be a successful entrepreneur to help many in different aspects in their lives, but I have not think before what I would do if one of my startups does not work, what if I have to sell it, how I would feel to tell my employees this? I guess as he mentions it is part of entrepreneurship and I must be prepare for it. But if that would happen to me now (that I don’t think, I haven’t start anything), it will be so hard and it will destroy me, not because of the losses, but because I will feel like I have failed to those employees, and I do not how I would tell them that.
But now that I am seen it in his example I can be ready for it, just in case that gets to happen, hopefully never.
Emilio Ortega Vasquez.